
  • Tree Plantation

Nitin Wanjari from John Deere and his team

आज वनराईत केले १०० झाडांचे वृक्षरोपण John Deera कंपनीचे वृक्षमित्र नितीन वंजारी सर यांचे माध्यमातून आज वृक्षारोपण करण्यात आले १०० झाडे आज लावण्यात आली आजचे वृक्षारोपणासाठी प्रामुख्याने नितीन वंजारी त्यांचे सहकारी विशाल साबळे,राजशेखर मोकाशी हे सहकुटुंब उपस्थित होते तसेच वैकफील्ड कंपनीचे एच आर योगेश सातव सर ,संदीप ढफळ सर ,अंकुश वारघडे,गेजगे ,मारुती गाडूते यांनी सहकार्य केले सर्वांनी निसर्गाचे सानिध्यात पर्यटणाचा आनंद घेतला

Today, 100 Trees Were Planted in Vanrai

Today, through the efforts of Nitin Wanjari from John Deere and his team, 100 trees were planted in Vanrai. The tree planting event was prominently supported by Nitin Wanjari, along with his colleagues Vishal Sable and Rajshekhar Mokashi, who were present with their families.

Additionally, cooperation was extended by Yogesh Satav (HR at Wakefield), Sandeep Daphal, Ankush Warghade, Gajge, and Maruti Gadute. Everyone enjoyed the experience of being amidst nature while contributing to the cause.
